Why is Monstera Adansonii leaves turning yellow? How to fix

Why is Monstera Adansonii leaves turning yellow? That’s the question a lot of Monstera-loving planters want to know. The reasons why plants turn yellow are complicated. There are both objective and subjective reasons. Dig Nursery will help you clarify this in the article below.

1. Monstera Adansonii leaves turning yellow due to leaves stop producing chlorophyll

Green leaves are due to chlorophyll. This substance receives sunlight for photosynthesis. When summer ends, the amount of sun during the day reduces, making it impossible to photosynthesize in the winter. Due to dry air and lack of sunlight, Monstera stops producing chlorophyll because it won’t need it until next spring. When chlorophyll is gone, yellow and orange have a chance to appear.

When leaves stop producing chlorophyll, which allows the plant to capture light and produce energy, the leaves will rapidly change color to yellow, which comes from pigments called carotenoids. Some scientists think the leaves make carotenoids after the chlorophyll has stopped working because the yellow helps absorb less solar energy.

Besides yellow, some tree species give red leaves, such as the iconic maple tree of Canada. This red color comes from anthocyanin, which is more complex than carotenoids. 

Monstera adansonii leaves turning yellow
Yellowing leaves on Monstera adansonii

2. Monstera adansonii leaves are yellow due to Overwatering

When the water in the pot is too much, the tree often shows symptoms such as The buds on the newly grown branches wither, and the young leaves are pale yellow, the old leaves are dark yellow. It has been a waterlogged tree for a long time, the soil is out of oxygen, Mold on the soil surface, mushy stems with brown or black discoloration, and part of the roots is rotten. 

3. How to Save a Monstera Adansonii That Has Been Overwatered

The extent of the overwatering damage will determine your rescue method.

Taking Care of Mild Overwatering

Try this approach for drying out the soil if your Adansonii just has a couple of yellow leaves and no evidence of stem rot (mushiness, discoloration).

Step 1: Stop watering your plants for at least a week, if not longer. Remove the root ball from the container and place it on a saucer or plate if possible. This increases the amount of soil surface area exposed to the air, which might hasten evaporation.

Step 2: Lift the root ball every other day as so to check the weight. As it dries, it should get lighter.

Step 3: You may begin with watering once the roots are dry enough to point of contact on all sides or 3 inches below the soil surface.

Taking Care of Overwatering (Moderate to Severe)

If your Monstera Adansonii has numerous yellow leaves, evidence of stem rot, or a musty odor, you’re certainly dealing with root rot, a potentially fatal fungal illness. This necessitates more extreme action:

Step 1: Remove the plant from its container and place it on a large piece of paper, an old sheet, or some other protective material on a work area. Brush as much of the old, wet dirt as you can away from your work area, allowing it to fall. Don’t try to save any of this old dirt because you’ll be tossing it away.

Step 2: Rinse the roots well under cold running water to eliminate any remaining dirt. What you’re attempting to do is get rid of as much fungus-infested dirt as possible so you can see the roots clearly.

Step 3: Any portions of the roots that are soft or mushy, brown/black, or have an odour should be investigated. Clip away any damaged root sections with a pair of sharp scissors or pruners sanitized with alcohol. Cut all the way back to the point where you can see healthy roots that are firm and white or tan in colour.

Step 4: Replace the dirt in your Monstera Adansonii container.

If you previously had your plant in a plastic container and wish to reuse it, clean it first to remove any leftover fungus that might re-infect your plant. Soak your pot for a few hours in a 10:1 water/bleach solution, then rinse and air dry.
If you used a ceramic or terra cotta pot, it’s time to dispose of it because porous materials aren’t able to be completely cleaned.

Step 5. Take a couple of days between irrigation of your Adanonsii plant to allow the roots to heal before exposing them humidity. After just a few days, the plant will start to spring up. However, if the root damage is significant, it may be too late to salvage the tree.  Get as many healthy stems as you can currently and use them to begin new plants.

4. Monstera Adansonii leaves turn yellow due to lack of water

When the plant lacks water, the leaves will be pale or yellow, and the leaf surface is wrinkled and not smooth, the petiole is soft, the leaves droop, the bottom of the leaf is dry yellow, then spread to the top. If you don’t water it in time, the plant will die. The cause is too little watering, dry air, a Large amount of water evaporating, which can also be due to irrigation. The water is small, only watering on the ground; water does not reach the roots. The remedy is to water enough and keep the soil moist above and below.

Rehydrating the Root Ball and the Soil

If your plant appears to be badly dehydrated, water it right away. You have a few of alternatives for accomplishing this:

Option 1: Watering from the top. Water the soil surface until the water drains out of the drainage holes in the container. Wait a few minutes before watering again.

Why is it necessary to use a two-step procedure? Dehydrated soil can be hydrophobic, which means it repels rather than absorbs water. When this happens, instead of sinking into the earth, the water just rolls off the top.

You give the initial dosage of water a chance to soften the soil by doing two successive waterings a few minutes apart. The second watering, on the other hand, has a far greater chance of actually reaching the soil and, as a result, your plant’s roots.

Check the soil wetness of your plant again in a few hours or the next day. Give it another watering if it feels dry.

Option 2: Watering from the bottom. You may accomplish this by either removing your plant from its pot or keeping it in the pot if it has drainage holes (which it should!). If you’re going to maintain your plant in its container, ensure sure the drainage holes are clear.

Obtain a dish, pan, or other containers large enough to accommodate your plant’s root ball or pot. Fill the container halfway with lukewarm water and place the entire plant/pot inside.

Allow for a few hours of soaking to properly rehydrate the soil. If you wish to speed up the process, pour water over the top of the root ball/pot.

5. Yellow leaves due to lack of nutrients

If not fertilized for a long time, any flowering plant makes the soil lack nutrients. Weak branches, leaves turn yellow, do not grow new branches and flowers. Detecting this situation, you should immediately turn the pot, change the soil and periodically fertilize. If you do not want to use fertilizer in the house but want to use organic foods to make fertilizer, you can refer to the article on how to make fertilizer from waste and organic food.

You should pay attention to the addition of inorganic fertilizers. Inorganic fertilizers in the soil too will be mineralized if the plant does not absorb all of it. It will cause damage to the roots, creating conditions for fungi to penetrate, causing yellow leaf disease and root rot.

  • Calcium Deficiency – Check soil pH further. Alkaline soils fertilize dry lime, and acidic soils apply quicklime.
  • Zinc (Zn) deficiency – the hallmark sign of zinc deficiency is the discoloration between the large veins and the rest of the leaf. Supplement with trace zinc or kelp extract.
  • Iron deficiency (Cu) – a sign of complete yellowing of the leaves. Determine pH adjustment for pH to keep the level below seven and reduce the amount of phosphorus in the soil
  • Magnesium deficiency – Magnesium supplementation.

6. Yellow leaves due to excess nutrients

The new leaves are large, thick, and shiny, but the surface is concave and uneven. Older leaves turn yellow and fall off the tree. The cause is too much fertilizer. The solution is to stop fertilizing water immediately. It would help if you sprinkled it for a few days. The seedlings will grow out of the pot. The purpose of sprinkling seeds is to reduce excess fertilizer in the pot.

What Can You Do to Restore Nutrient Balance?

Remove any remaining fertilizer from the soil surface to aid an overfed plant (if you were using granular and not liquid fertilizer).

The soil should then be flushed. Place the pot in a sink or outside, and water it often until the water runs clear.

Remove part of the soil from the top and bottom of the root ball, if feasible, and replace it with new soil.

After cleansing the soil, let the plant to dry out for a few days before watering it again.

Then restart fertilizing, but at half the intensity indicated on the bottle or box.

Here are a few more fertilization ideas:

  • When the soil is damp, fertilize it. This aids in the fertilizer’s breakdown and distribution throughout the soil.
  • In the spring and summer, fertilize your Swiss cheese plant once a month.
  • Fertilize sparingly in the fall and winter since your plant enters a dormant (resting) period during which growth and nutrient requirements drop drastically.

7. It’s not enough space for roots

Small pots, large plants while insufficient fertilizer, and crammed roots in pots can all be causes of yellow leaves. They were timely repotting, planting trees in large pots, and pruning old, weak, and dense branches. If the ventilation and the lighting are not enough, it is also tough to make healthy Monstera Adansonii.

Some growers are inexperienced. Too much nitrogen fertilizer makes the branches and leaves long, and the pruning is not timely, leading to no ventilation, the light does not shine on the whole tree. It affects respiration and photosynthesis, causing nutrient loss, yellowing, and falling leaves. If this situation is detected, you must promptly prune it. Cut off the duplicate branches, and apply a little phosphorus and potassium for the tree to return to normal.

8. Swiss Cheese Monstera yellow leaves due to lack of light 

Because the pot is in the shade for a long time, the light is not enough, causing the leaves to become thin, the color fade or turn yellow, and then fall off the plant. When this condition is detected, it is necessary to move the pot to a place with adequate light. Attention, in hot weather conditions, it is essential to avoid direct sunlight into the pot.

9. Due to a change in the planting site

Changing the planting site will also shock the plant, causing yellowing of leaves; this phenomenon is called “transplant shock.” Should choose the suitable land when moving to a new “place of residence,” pick at the right time when the weather is neither too cold nor too hot. Care more often. Pay attention to the roots, adding manure to stimulate root growth.

10. Due to the high alkalinity of the soil

If planted on high alkaline soil, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off for Monstera, which prefers acidic soil, such as camellias, rhododendrons, gardenia, etc. If you see this phenomenon, you need to report and switch to acidic soil or regularly water 0.2% iron sulfate or water-diluted alum.

11. Due to Fungal Diseases

The majority of houseplant infections are classified as “fungus,” and they usually manifest themselves in the roots or leaves.

Root rot is caused by fungus in the roots, which we discussed in the “Overwatering” section above. The plant’s demands aren’t being met since the roots are destroyed, resulting in yellow, sickly leaves and mushy, discolored stems.

Yellow patches with sunken dark centers grow in between leaf veins, never on them, due to fungus in the leaves.

How to Deal with Fungal Infections

Cut off the infected leaves straight away if you’re dealing with fungal development on the leaves themselves. You don’t want the fungus to spread to other leaves, so don’t do it. Make your incision as near to the main stem as possible, but be cautious not to nick the stem.

To avoid the transmission of illness, isolate your Monstera Adansonii as far away from any other houseplants as possible. Reunite your plant with the other plants when it has been clear of all indications of disease for at least 2 weeks.

Overwatering is the leading cause of fungal overgrowth, thus reducing the frequency of watering in the future. When the top 2-3 inches of soil have dried up, water it.

Why not employ the usage of fungicides? There are two basic causes behind this:

  • Fungicides are far more successful in preventing fungal infections than in treating them.
  • The tissues of a plant that have been affected by fungus will not repair or renew. As a result, using fungicide at this stage will not restore what has already been damaged.

12. Due to pests

They are damaged by insect pests such as red spiders, planthoppers, whiteflies, etc., causing the leaves to turn yellow. It would help if you sprayed to prevent it promptly.  

Or you can Deal with Pests through the article: How to detect bugs on Monstera? The most common insects

Sylvia Matlock

Sylvia Matlock

Sylvia Matlock graduated from the Art Institute of Chicago, which shows in everything she does, from adding depth, texture, and color to selecting the best plant for the job. She curates plants, garden accessories, indoor and outdoor furnishings, and gifts for the retail store. Plants suited for the site or environment are used in landscape design and installation for commercial and residential customers.

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