Have you ever looked at your Monstera plant and wondered why its leaves were so long? You’re not alone. Many gardeners have this same question, and the answer is often something we don’t expect.
The cause of leggy Monstera plants can vary, but luckily, there are a few things you can do to help them get back on track. In this blog post, we’ll cover what causes Monstera leaves to become leggy and how to correct the problem. So if you’ve been wondering why your Monstera’s leaves are so out of control.
What is a Leggy Monstera?
A Leggy Monstera is a type of plant that has long, thin, and sparse branches. This is usually caused by a lack of sunlight, which causes the plant to become elongated and spindly. Leggy growth can also be caused by positioning the plant too far from a window or other source of sunlight. A leggy Monstera will stretch towards whatever source of light it can find.
What Causes a Leggy Monsteras Deliciosa and Adansonii?
Monsteras become leggy for a variety of reasons, the most common of which is exposure to light.
You can avoid indicators of legginess during the growth of Monstera by understanding how these factors affect the plant’s growth.
Here are a few possible causes for your Monstera’s legginess.
Light source
The light source is the number one reason Monstera shows indications of legginess.
Monsteras will automatically move towards whatever light is available at the time if they do not have access to appropriate sunlight or a light source.
This is the normal way of life for plants. Since Monsteras can climb, they increase in size faster when exposed to more sunlight. As much light a plant gets the more nutrients it will make through photosynthesis and consequently increase in size.
If a Monsteras is stored in a room with insufficient light, it will not die, but it will not grow either.
Because the leaves and stalks develop in an irregular manner, having a leggy Monstera works against the plant’s visually pleasing appearance.
If Monsteras are not exposed to light, they will shrink in size and have fewer holes in their leaves.
They won’t be able to complete the Fenestration activities on the facility due to a lack of light. The overall structure of the plant will not be as attractive as it would be if it were given more light.
Pot size
Another cause of legginess in your Monsteras is overcrowded roots in the container.
The plant will grow abnormally if it has more roots since it will have a harder time absorbing nutrients and moisture. If the plant is in a tiny pot, the roots will take up more room in the container.
As a result, drainage and aeration in the soil would be abstracted.
Always check that the soil in the container has a good drainage system in place, and repotting the plant with the right soil amendments may be necessary.
Monsteras thrive at temperatures ranging from 68 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit (20 to 30 degrees Celsius). They are tropical plants, after all. The plant will get stressed if the temperature rises much beyond the usual threshold.
Warmer temperatures with considerable humidity appear to be the optimal temperature for Monsteras. These conditions will give the plants the feeling of being in a tropical forest.
Monsteras are also recognized for their resilience, and even if you only water them once a day, you will see a difference in the plants.
When the moisture in the soil dries up, Monsteras will droop, and you’ll need to water them right away. Don’t worry, you won’t need any special water for them to grow well; regular tap water will enough.
If the quality of the water is a problem, distilled water can be added. Distilled water may be made by simply allowing a specific volume of water to rest for a period of time to allow any sediments or additions to settle to the bottom.

How to fix leggy Monstera Deliciosa, Adansonii
There are a few things you can do to fix Leggy Monsteras:
- Pruning: Pruning back the leggy growth will help encourage the plant to produce new, fuller growth.
- Positioning: Position the plant near a window or other source of sunlight. Make sure to rotate the plant regularly so that all sides of the plant have a chance to grow evenly.
- Use a Strong Light source: If your plant is looking a little too lanky, try using a strong light source to help it grow back into shape. A sunny window or bright lamp should do the trick. Keep in mind that this process may take some time, so be patient and enjoy watching your plant grow back into its former glory.
- Fertilizing: Leggy Monsteras may benefit from being fertilized with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer. This will help promote lush, full growth.
With a little bit of care, your Leggy Monstera will soon be looking lush and full again.
Pruning back the leggy Monstera growth
Pruning back the leggy Monstera growth can help the plant to bush out and become fuller. It is best to do this in the spring or early summer when the plant is actively growing. To prune, cut back the main stem of the plant by a few inches. You can also remove any leaves that are yellowing or damaged. If you want to encourage more growth, you can also cut back the side stems. Be sure to use sharp, clean pruning shears to avoid damaging the plant.
After you have pruned back the leggy growth, you can fertilize the plant to encourage new growth. A balanced fertilizer will work well for most Monstera plants. You can apply the fertilizer according to the package directions.
Pruning back leggy growth is a great way to encourage your Monstera plant to bush out and become fuller. By doing this in the spring or early summer, you will help the plant to grow more vigorously. Be sure to use sharp, clean pruning shears to avoid damaging the plant. After pruning, you can fertilize the plant to encourage new growth.

Positioning Your Monstera for Success
As we mentioned, one of the main reasons Monsteras become leggy is because they’re not getting enough light. If you want your plant to stay compact and full, it’s important to give it bright, indirect sunlight. A spot near a window is usually ideal.
If you can’t provide bright, indirect sunlight, you may need to supplement with a grow light. position your light source about 12-18 inches away from the plant, and make sure to give it 14-16 hours of light per day.
It’s also important to rotate your plant every week or so, so that all sides of the plant get an equal amount of light.
Use a Strong Light source and Rotate Your Monstera
If you can’t provide bright, indirect sunlight, you may need to supplement with a grow light. position your light source about 12-18 inches away from the plant, and make sure to give it 14-16 hours of light per day.
It is also essential that you rotate the plant once for a week or two, so it’s possible that the different sides of your plant receive the same amount of light. By doing this, you’ll ensure that your Monstera stays compact and full, rather than leggy.
Read More: How much light does a Monstera need?
If you want to fertilize your Monstera, a good rule of thumb is to do so every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer), and then cut back to once a month during the fall and winter. You can use a standard houseplant fertilizer, or something specifically designed for philodendrons. Again, be sure to follow the package directions carefully.
Read More: The best fertilizer for Monstera? Best time to fertilize them
Avoiding Monstera Legginess In the Future
The only way to keep your Monstera from becoming leggy is to make sure it gets adequate light. However, this is easier said than done, especially in locations where the plant’s light requirements are not met.
If you have a spot in your house that gets enough light for your Monstera, it’s as simple as relocating it there and keeping a watch on it for any signs of illness, like as drooping or withering leaves. Unless the Monstera is exposed to too much light, you’re unlikely to come across something like this.
Don’t worry if that isn’t an option for you. A grow lamp is an excellent alternative to natural light that can be used in any location and on any budget. There are many amazing lamps and light fixtures that are available to those who wish to spend for them. There are bulbs that can be put in any standard lamp for the gardener who is looking to ensure that the plants are adequately lit during the winter months.
In conclusion, if you are experiencing a leggy Monstera it is likely due to one of the several reasons we’ve outlined in this post. The good news is that most of these problems can be fixed with some simple changes on your part. Be sure to give your plant plenty of light and monitor its water and fertilizer intake to help keep it looking lush and full.