Is it possible for a Monstera to stay in water for an extended period of time? How long can Monstera live in water? That’s the question many people are going to try and address today. Because Monstera is a tropical plant, it should be tolerant of a small amount of water. We encourage you to keep reading if you want to understand more about one of the most adaptable plants in the world.
How long can Monstera live in water?
Monstera is a tropical plant native to Central America with the scientific name Monstera deliciosa. As a result, it can survive in water for a long time as plant cuttings for propagation or as a decorative plant. Keep in mind, though, that soil is its natural environment, therefore you must be extra gentle when caring for it when living in the water.
Long-time plant aficionados have identified transparent glass bottles or jars filled with water as one of the most visually pleasing ways to display Monsteras, as well as many other plants.

It’s a real treat to be able to see the roots of your Monstera, which are usually hidden beneath the dirt of the pot they’re planted in. It’s also a great way to show off your Monstera.
If kept in an area with an average temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit, tropical plants like Monstera may persist in water for up to three weeks without nutrients or light (21 degrees Celsius).
Can Monstera live in water?
If you want to ensure that your Monstera thrives, you should plant it in soil, just like you would most other non-aquatic plants. Every plant necessitates particular nutrients that can only be gotten from the soil, which are simply unavailable can your Monstera live in water.
However, leaving your Monstera in the water for an extended period of time will not cause it to die or become ill. Monsteras are extremely adaptable plants, and as a result, they may grow in a variety of environments. It is due to their adaptability that we may easily plant them indoors.
Can Monstera live in the water forever?
The plant’s versatility allows it to live and develop in a variety of environments outside, in addition to thriving in water. A Monstera may be grown from cuttings in a number of containers to meet the owner’s demands, in addition to being resilient and growing in a variety of light circumstances. Monsteras are particularly popular among many families because of how easy they are to care for.
Do Monstera Live In Water Continue To Produce New Leaves?
When Monstera cuttings are placed in water under normal conditions, it should take no more than 2 weeks for them to begin producing roots. If the plant is getting enough light, new leaves should sprout from the soil in a few weeks, suggesting that the roots have taken hold.

The crucial thing to remember is that if Monstera lives in water for an extended period of time, they will not attain their maximum growth potential. The plant isn’t getting the nutrients it needs to grow as large as it can because it isn’t in its natural home. The plant decreases in size and its leaves do not develop properly in water.
You’ll be able to see exactly what’s going on if you pay attention. An older or larger leaf will be plucked off your plant every time it creates a new leaf. As a result, despite the fact that the plant is growing, its overall size will remain unchanged.
Will your Monstera flourish in water, or will it only survive?
Make sure you pot your Monstera properly if you want it to thrive. If you merely give the plant water, it won’t get the nutrients it needs from the soil. However, leaving it submerged in water will keep your Monstera plant alive and thriving if you take the care below.
Dig Nursery also thinks the appearance of a small plant in a unique container can be rather stunning. Individuals have put their Monstera in jam jars and old-school Coca-Cola bottles, among other glass containers. It gives you the opportunity to express yourself in a unique way.
Related Post: Are Monstera toxic to cats? What to do if your pet eats it
What is the Best Water for Monsteras?
When you grow your Monstera in water rather than soil for a long time, the qualities of your water become more significant. Because all-purpose fertilizers are generally included in commercially available potting mixes, the plant will no longer have access to them when growing in water.
Rainwater is ideal for watering plants of all kinds, and this one is no exception. The worst option is chlorinated water from the tap, which most of us have. This is due to the presence of chemicals and salts in tap water.
Contaminants from tap water build up over time and can harm plants, especially those grown in the restricted environment of an indoor container. If you just have access to tap water, keeping it out overnight to enable some of the chlorine to evaporate before using it will help.
Rainwater is beneficial to plants since it already contains nutrients. Rainwater naturally provides nitrogen to your plants in an easily absorbed form. It’s slightly acidic, which is good for most plants. Rainwater is also less likely to contain contaminants than tap water.
If you don’t have access to rainwater, you can use spring water instead. If you have access to well water, test it before using it on your plants because the well could contain heavy metals or other toxins. Although Monsteras aren’t fussy about their water, you’ll get the best results if you use nutrient-rich water.
How to grow Monstera in water
Thus, it can be concluded that Monstera can live in water. But, how to grow Monstera in water, keep continuing to read, Dig Nursery will give you below useful tips.
Weekly water change
The plant should be excellent for months in water if the water is changed on a regular basis, such as weekly. It’s crucial to remember that plants grow roots in a variety of mediums; if a plant has become accustomed to water, it will find it more difficult to adjust to the soil when moved.

You should start supplementing the nutrients that the plant would typically collect from the soil after a certain stage. When plants are cultivated totally in water, it is referred to as hydroponic gardening.
Is tap water OK for watering Monstera?
In a nutshell, you can water your Monstera plant using tap water; but, rainfall water, as with most other plants, is preferable. Monsteras, which are tropical plants, require continuous watering during their first few weeks of growth.
These plants rely solely on their leaves for water and nutrients due to the lack of a root system. Despite the fact that Monsteras can resist a lot of rain, extended exposure to wetness can be harmful to the plant and even kill it.
Make sure your Monstera has a mechanism to drain extra water so it doesn’t take in too much water all at once during periods of heavy rain. If the plant is submerged in water for an extended period of time, its leaves are likely to be lost.
Give Your Monstera More Light
Monstera thrives indoors, where it thrives in bright spaces away from the sun’s direct rays. The plant’s leaves can be scorched by direct sunlight, producing dark areas that won’t recover. Bright, indirect light, on the other hand, stimulates the Monstera to develop quickly.
Keep your Monstera in a light area, a few feet from a window, if you want it to grow quickly. You can also put your plant near a south-facing or north-facing window that doesn’t get much light. If your plant is near a south-facing window, though, make sure it is covered from direct sunlight.
Keep Your Monstera Clean
Keeping your Monstera clean and dust-free is an efficient technique to speed up its growth. The neem oil spray can be used to clean the plant’s leaves. To make the neem oil solution, follow these steps:

- Fill a spray bottle halfway with water and set it aside.
- Fill the bottle with a drop of dishwashing soap. Stir the dish soap together.
- To the solution, add a teaspoon of neem oil. Close the bottle and give it a good shake.
- The solution should be sprayed on the plant’s leaves.
- Neem oil is a natural insecticide that keeps insects and pests away from your Monstera. The oil is derived from the neem tree’s leaves and seeds.