An exciting phenomenon you can encounter when growing Monstera plants is dripping water on the leaves. You will be curious to know why such an interesting phenomenon occurs and how to water the plants effectively. Please follow the article below.
Why are my plant leaves dripping water?
The essence of the formation of water droplets on leaves at night is the condensation of air. At night, the air temperature drops, condensing water vapor to form drops that settle on the leaves. At the same time, the stomata in the leaves of plants open at night.
The moisture from the leaves cannot go up. Water vapor meets cold air and condenses on leaves, forming dripping droplets. Therefore, there will be drops of Water at night on the leaves.
When the sun rises, the dewdrops on the leaves because the air contains a certain amount of vapor. At night, the temperature will be low, the moisture in the air surrounding the leaves condenses into dewdrops.
The sun rises, the temperature increases, the dew evaporates. The rest we can see is because it hasn’t disappeared yet. If the drip you’re experiencing isn’t related to a natural phenomenon, it’s time to water with a misting system. It is also the reason that plant leaves produce stagnant Water.
Should I water when leaves have dripping Water?
Dripping water is a natural phenomenon. It does not affect how you should water it at all. You still need to set a schedule to water your plants regularly. But it is a phenomenon that shows the humidity in the air is relatively high, and the need for watering the plant will be slightly lower than usual.
With most Monstera, you should water when the soil feels dry. You can gently place your finger (or wooden stick) about 1 cm deep in the ground to see how it dries. For Monstera lovers, Water when the surface is dry.
Alternatively, you can lift a plant to gauge soil moisture if you feel its weight right after watering it. And you have a base weight when the pot is dry. Then you compare and know if the soil is dry or not. The plant is likely thirsty if the soil dries out and the leaves wilt. But wilting leaves can also mean too much water.

Related Post: Best Soil For Monstera Plant – How to Potting Mix Your Own
Principles you need to keep in mind when watering Monstera plants.
Water from the bottom of the pot
The first rule of watering plants that you need to remember is to water them and water them from the bottom of the pot. The method of watering will help stimulate the total growth of the roots, even the roots at the bottom of the pot.
The irrigation method is to water gradually on different parts of the stem, evenly watering around the watering areas so that the roots grow in balance, the water will completely penetrate the soil without flowing out water in one place making the roots grow unevenly, reducing the ability to absorb nutrients.
Know how the level of humidity a Monstera is
Most plants grow and develop heavily dependent on moisture. So, before watering the plant, check to see if the moisture level in the soil is like to make sure the plant needs water. Even if the ground on top of the pot is dry, the bottom of the pot may still be wet. Press your finger n into the pot until the 2nd knuckle if it feels dry at the tip of your finger. If the plant is dry, the leaves are wilting; these are signs that the plant lacks water.
Water in the morning or afternoon
According to many scientific types of research, roots absorb Water best in the morning and evening. However, it would be better if you did not water it late because Water does not drain out in time, making the plant susceptible to diseases such as fungus and powdery mildew.
In addition, when watering plants at noon, sunlight and heat will cause water to evaporate before penetrating the roots. In addition, the sun can burn the plant when Water drops on the leaves. Therefore, morning is the best time to water plants.
Water the soil, not the leaves
Wet leaves left overnight will be susceptible to powdery mildew and other diseases. In addition, leaves exposed to water in the sun will reflect light and burn the leaves, causing slight burns on the leaf surface.
So make sure to water the soil, not the leaves, because the roots are where the Water is needed the most. If you only Water to the topsoil without enough Water for the roots at the bottom, the plant will not grow well.
Don’t depend on the rain
Another rule of watering plants to remember is not to depend too much on rain. Many people may be wrong when thinking that it’s already raining, so they don’t need to water anymore. However, check if you water or not and how the humidity is to rinse.
Water the plants according to their needs
The principle of proper watering for plants depends on the weather, the size of the pot, and the type of soil. You will have to water many plants more than once a day. So, please pay attention to the water needs of the plant and the surrounding factors to ensure the tree grows green!
Install an automatic watering system if you can’t water your plants regularly
Using an automatic watering system will help you be more proactive in time, saving up to 60% of water compared to conventional irrigation methods. At the same time, the automatic watering set with compact water pipes and nozzles will help the garden become more beautiful. In addition, an innovative automated watering system will help you save time taking care of trees.
Water the plants with a spray
Rapid and vigorous watering can wash away nutrients, wreak havoc on the soil, and damage plants. So, water the plants with a spray or mist to help the plant not be crushed but still ensure adequate water.