I was recently given a Calathea plant as a gift, and I was excited to care for it. However, I noticed the leaves pointing up instead of down, as they should be. I did some research and discovered that this is quite common with Calatheas, and there’s nothing to worry about.
Why are my Calathea leaves pointing up?
There are a few reasons why your Calathea leaves may be pointing up. It could be a sign that your plant is not getting enough water, or it could be a reaction to changes in temperature or light. If you notice your Calathea’s leaves beginning to point up, check the plant’s watering schedule and make sure it is getting enough water. You may also need to adjust the plant’s location if it is not getting enough light or if the temperature is too cold or hot.
Causes of Calathea leaves standing up (Pointing Up):
- Not enough water
- Reactions to changes in temperature or light
- Lack of humidity
- Poor drainage
- Overwatering
- Plant stress
- Wrong Amount Of Sunlight
- Too much or too little fertilizer
How to fix Calathea leaves standing up
If you notice your Calathea’s leaves beginning to point up, Follow the signs and how to fix them to keep plants healthy.
Not enough water
Not enough water is one of the most common reasons for Calathea leaves pointing up. Calathea plants prefer moist, well-drained soil and will begin to suffer if the soil is too dry. Make sure you are watering your Calathea regularly and misting the leaves with clean water daily. You may also need to increase the humidity around your Calathea by setting it on a pebble tray filled with water or misting it with clean water daily.
Reactions to changes in temperature or light
Changes in temperature can also cause Calathea leaves to point up. Calathea plants prefer temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit and will go dormant if the temperature drops below 60 degrees. If your Calathea’s leaves are pointing up and the plant is not getting enough water, you may need to move it to a warmer location. Try moving your Calathea to a brighter location out of direct sunlight and increase the amount of time you are giving your Calathea plant to adjust to the new location.
Lack of humidity
Lack of humidity is another common reason for Calathea leaves to point up. Calathea plants prefer humid conditions and will begin to suffer if the air around them is too dry.
Mist your Calathea’s leaves with clean water daily or set the plant on a pebble tray filled with water to increase the humidity around your Calathea. You may also need to water your Calathea more frequently if the leaves are pointing up. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again.
Poor drainage
Calathea plants prefer well-draining soil and will not do well if the roots are sitting in water. If you think poor drainage is causing your Calathea’s leaves to point up, try repotting the plant in a pot with drainage holes. You may also need to water your Calathea less frequently if the leaves are pointing up.
Calathea plants prefer well-draining soil and will not do well if the roots are sitting in water. If you think overwatering is causing your Calathea’s leaves to point up, try watering your Calathea less frequently.
Plant stress
Plant stress is another common reason for Calathea leaves to point up. Calathea plants are sensitive to changes in temperature, light, and humidity levels. If your Calathea’s leaves are pointing up, try to identify the cause of the stress and take steps to fix it. Adjusting the plant’s location, watering schedule, or level of humidity may help relieve the stress and prevent the leaves from pointing up.
Wrong Amount Of Sunlight
Calathea plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight. If your Calathea is in direct sunlight, the leaves may begin to point up as a way of protecting themselves from the sun’s rays. Move your Calathea to a location with bright, indirect sunlight and see if the leaves stop pointing up.
Too much or too little fertilizer
Too much or too little fertilizer can also cause Calathea leaves to point up. Calathea plants prefer a light fertilization schedule. Over-fertilizing can cause the leaves to turn yellow and point up. If you think your Calathea is being overfed, flush the soil with water to remove the excess fertilizer. Underfeeding can also cause Calathea leaves to point up. If you think your Calathea is not getting enough food, feed it a light dose of Calathea-specific fertilizer according to the package directions.
Related Post: Why are my Calathea leaves curling inward, under & crispy?
How to prevent your Calathea leaves from pointing up in the future?
To prevent your Calathea leaves from pointing up in the future, try to create and maintain a stable environment for your plant. Calathea plants are sensitive to changes in temperature, light, and humidity levels. sudden changes in any of these factors can cause stress to the plant and cause the leaves to point up.
Try to keep the temperature and humidity levels in your Calathea’s environment consistent and make sure the plant is getting the correct amount of light. Water your Calathea according to a schedule and be careful not to overwater or underwater the plant.
Fertilize your Calathea regularly but don’t overdo it. A light fertilization schedule is best for Calathea plants. following these tips should help prevent your Calathea leaves from pointing up in the future.
Calathea plants are beautiful, interesting houseplants that are easy to care for. If you’re wondering why your Calatheas’ leaves are pointing up, don’t worry – it’s a common occurrence and usually nothing to be concerned about. Just make sure your plant is getting enough light and water and enjoy watching it groư.