With a combination of white and green leaves, the Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata has become one of the most expensive plants in the world. Monstera Albo, on the other hand, is the most striking of the Monstera plants.
You may be wondering why Monstera Albo is so expensive compared to other Monstera varieties. Much sought after by people worldwide, it is proof that, despite its high price, It is dependable for decorating your home.
What is Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata?
Monstera Albo is a variety of Monstera Deliciosa Variegata. Monstera Deliciosa Variegata has the same physical characteristics as Monstera Deliciosa; however, the leaf color of this Variegata type is white. Plant mutations cause white patches, allowing new varieties and rare plants to emerge. This Monstera plant was much more expensive than the previous two.

It differs from Monstera Deliciosa in that it has holes in its leaves and is generally larger. Another distinguishing feature is that the stalk usually has serrations or small protrusions. Deliciosa refers to the fruits that are so tasty to eat.
Monstera Deliciosa is not a common plant because it is difficult to find in the wild. When the Danish botanist Liebman discovered the species in Mexico in 1840, he described it as a new type of Monstera.
The Variegated Monstera is another name for the Monstera Albo. This plant is the result of two different types of chromosomal makeup mingling, resulting in a mutation. This occurs naturally in various features, but when chlorophyll is mutated, the green pigmentation in the plant produces a mix of tissue with and without chlorophyll.
How Much Does Monstera Albo Cost?
Aside from the fact that Monstera Albo is a costly plant, you might be interested in how much this plant costs. However, we believe that the Monstera Albo price will vary depending on the region.
This Swiss cheese plant, specifically Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata, ranges in price from $700 to $5,000. Of course, prices vary depending on where you live.
5 reasons why are Monstera Albo so expensive
If you’re looking for a statement plant to add to your home, you may have stumbled across the striking Monstera Albo. Also known as the variegated Monstera, this plant is prized for its beautiful leaves, which are variegated with white and green. However, these plants come with a high price tag, and you may be wondering why they’re so expensive. There are actually several reasons for the high cost of Monstera albos. It includes, they’re relatively rare, slowly growing, having a luxurious look, much sought after and rapidly popular on Social Media.
Hard to Find
One of the main reasons Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata is so expensive is extremely difficult to find. It is sporadic due to its combination of white and green leaves. Monstera Deliciosa was first described in 1840 by the Danish botanist Liebmann. He eventually discovered this plant in Mexico.
This discovery took a long time because Monstera Deliciosa is not commonly found in nature. This is because saplings grown from seed grow slowly and die in the wild. Then, if you don’t find the tree before it reaches 20 cm in length, we believe Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata is extremely rare. So there’s no reason to live in the wilderness.
Slowly Growing
Another reason Monstera Albo has become one of the most expensive Monsteras is that it grows slowly. Monstera Albo produces less chlorophyll and thus photosynthesizes significantly less. Of course, growing them is time-consuming and requires a certain level of skill.
If we notice that Monstera Albo is growing slowly, we will have a rare plant that will be difficult to find, and we will have to pay a high price to have this plant. If you do find it, it will be costly. It should be noted that these plants overgrow after being cut, but they do not cut themselves in the wild.
Having Luxurious Look
It could be because Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata is labeled as ‘half moon’ that it is so expensive. We believe you will fall in love with this plant when you see it. Surprised! This plant is stunning, and people adore a lush exotic indoor plant.
Much Sought After
We can value the plant’s high price because it is highly sought after by people worldwide. Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata, a favorite in New Zealand and elsewhere, is unquestionably one of the most unusual plants of 2020. However, it is extremely rare due to the plant’s slow propagation rate.
Rapidly Popular on Social Media
Of course, being suddenly famous on social media is more than enough, and Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata is more than enough if it becomes more expensive due to high demand. Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata has been featured by social media influencers, vloggers, plant bloggers, and ordinary people worldwide.
We already know that if something is promoted, endorsed, or reviewed by a large number of influencers, many ordinary people all over the world will be drawn to it. So, despite the high cost, they will eventually purchase this plant.
That is why Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata has become one of the most expensive plants in the world.

Why Is Monstera Albo So Rare?
It’s just to explain why Monstera Albo is so rare. Because this plant is the result of variegation. Variegation, as we know, makes the best use of low light. In addition, Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata produces less chlorophyll, requiring them to work harder to produce food. Because there is no other use for variegated Monstera besides aesthetics, little research has been done on how to increase variegated Monstera.
So, a lack of plant cultivation combined with a cult following equals a costly plant. We finally understand why Monstera deliciosa Albo Variegata is so expensive because it is so difficult to find. So, how about you? Are you ready to incorporate it into your lovely home?

Read More: How to Prune Monstera Plant: Tips, Tricks, and Advice
Monstera Albo Borsigiana Vs Thai Constellation
Albo Borsigiana and Thai Constellation are two of the most well-known variegated Monsteras. While they appear to be the same, several key differences will affect their care, growth, accessibility, and cost.
Thai Constellation has off-white (almost cream-colored) speckles throughout and, as it matures, has larger leaves and a fuller-looking plant, making it easy to distinguish between the two most common variegated Monsteras.
The Albo has larger, chunkier variegation blocks with specks, as well as whiter variegated areas. It also appears sparser because the stems grow taller and have smaller leaves.

Knowing how to tell the difference between Albo and Thai will help you decide which one to keep in your home:
The Variegation’s Pattern and Stability
Borsigiana Monstera Albo
It has a lovely variegation pattern. It has green, marbling, and white markings on its leaves. Each leaf will be distinct from the one that came before it.
Because of its natural variation, this variegation pattern is unstable. Albo Monsteras can revert to producing whole greener leaves, as well as leaves that are completely white with no chlorophyll. While attractive, this all-white foliage puts a significant strain on the plant and will be the first to die.
Thai Monstera Constellation
The Albo has a distinct separation pattern. Thai leaves have tiny creamy splotches scattered across their surface, giving them the appearance of a starry sky. The light patches are whiter and creamier in color than the Albo patches (those big, white splotches).
Thai Monsteras are also much more consistent in terms of variegation. You won’t have to worry about your Thai Monstera reverting to green leaves because all of the cells in the plant have the mutation as a result of being manufactured in a laboratory.
The variation is both consistent and unpredictable. White or green leaves do not develop or decline from one to the next.
Inter-Nodal Distance
Internodes are the spaces between nodes in a plant. The internodal gap determines the plant’s final stem height. Excessive internodal spacing frequently results in weak stems incapable of supporting large buds or blooms.
Monstera Albo Borsigiana has a larger leaf node, measuring up to three to four inches (10 cm). This indicates that the leaves are further apart. As a result, Monstera Albo Albo may not appear as lush and green as it will when it matures into a vine. You’ll need something like a moss pole to get onto this variety.
It is also easy to take cuttings because of the longer leaf node. Pruning shears have a lot of room to work with.
The internodal distance between the leaves of the Monstera Thai Constellation is extremely short, sometimes as little as an inch (2–3 cm). This gives the Thai Monstera a compact, bushy, and lush form. Because there isn’t much room for the scissors, taking cuttings is more difficult.
The Dimensions of Their Leaves
Monstera Borsigiana is a subspecies of Monstera Deliciosa with smaller leaves than M. Deliciosa. Its leaves are only 30 cm (12 in) wide. The Thai Constellation, on the other hand, is much larger and more resembling a typical Monstera.
Their Costs
The Thai Constellation is usually more expensive than the Variegated Monstera Albo. This is primarily due to the fact that it is more difficult to discover and spread. The Variegated Monstera Albo is also less stable, so your plant is more likely to revert to all green leaves.
Although the Variegated Monstera Thai Constellation is less expensive, it is still quite expensive. It is easier to find and propagate, but its variegation is less consistent than that of Variegated Monstera Albo.
At the time of writing, a Monstera Thai Constellation costs between $150 and $700 USD, which is less than the price of a comparable-sized Monstera Albo. Mature Thai Constellations can cost upwards of $1,000. Cuttings of this species are rare, but they can still be found.
The common questions
Light Or Shade?
It will thrive in a bright, indirect sunlight location and should be thoroughly watered every day. It requires light as a variegated plant, but direct sunlight is preferred. Some adjacent near-white leaves may be scorched because there is less chlorophyll present.
What should I do with it?
Mist the leaves once a week. The large leaves collect dust, so wipe them down with a damp cloth and gently blow dry them. Water the plant once a week and don’t let the compost completely dry out. It prefers temperatures between 18 and 27 degrees Celsius, but it can survive in temperatures as low as 12 degrees Celsius if necessary.
Can I make a variegated Monstera?
The chances of developing a variegated Monstera by chance are about 1 in 100,000… So, unless you have a cutting from a variegated plant, your Monstera is unlikely to develop variegation on its own.
How Do You Bring About Variegation?
A variety of stressors, such as changes in temperature, light exposure, nutrients, or water, can cause variegation. It is important to note, however, that not all plants will react the same way to these stressors. Your plant may revert to its original all-green state if the stressor is removed.
How Do I Make Variegated Plant Leaves?
The simplest but time-consuming method of producing variegation is to take cuttings from branches with more blotchy variegation in the leaf rather than the all-white form (no chlorophyll) and simply plant them. This method takes much longer to generate volume.
What Is the Definition of Variation?
The appearance of different colored zones in the leaves, flowers, or other parts of plants is known as variegation. Variegated leaves occur when the chlorophyll in the cells that make up the leaf is lost or reduced. This can occur as a result of a variety of factors, including genetics, stressors, or disease.
What Exactly Are Variegated Plants?
A variegated plant has leaves that have different colors or patterns. The most common type of variegation is “chimeral variegation,” which occurs when two types of cells coexist in the same leaf. This can occur as a result of a variety of factors, including stressors, disease, or genetics.
When Is the Best Time to Water Monstera Borsigiana?
Water Monstera plants when the top two inches of soil feel dry to the touch or a moisture meter reads 3-4. Slowly pour water into the soil until it begins to drain from the bottom, then quickly empty the drainage tray.
The answer to the question of why is Monstera Albo so expensive is the lack of plant cultivation combined with a cult following equals a frickin’ expensive plant, which is why Monstera Albo is so pricey. We finally understand why Monstera deliciosa Albo Variegata is so pricey because it is so difficult to come by. What are your thoughts? Are you ready to include it in your magnificent residence? Please comment with DIG Nursery.